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Keywords: Angel Investment

What is Going on at the GARAJ? An Overview at the End of the First Semester Evaluation Note / Ussal Şahbaz
Haber Resim
24/06/2013 "The first Demo Day of the GARAJ Entrepreneurship Center, which was opened in January 2013 on the campus TOBB University of Economics and Technology at the ground floor of the TEPAV Building, was held on Thursday, June 20. The Demo Day is kind of a [More]
"iyiYatırım Summit” Brings Together Angel Investors in Ankara The keynote speakers were Robert Okabe and John May of the Angel Resource Institute.
Haber Resim
11/01/2013 ANKARA – The iyiYatırım Angel Investment Summit” the first of which was held in Istanbul last year was carried out in Ankara on Friday, 11 January 2013. The Summit hosted by TEPAV brought together angel investors with the aim to contribute to [More]